The Southern Witching Hour Podcast: The Supernatural Twin Sister of Seek The Best Blog Hosted by LadyG

The Southern Witching Hour Podcast, hosted by yours truly, LadyG, delves into Southern supernatural storytelling, spiritual practices, culture and traditions.

I’ve created a page for you to have a listen, without having to leave the blog.

In thinking about how to describe this podcast, my mind wandered to my other blog, Seek The Best Blog!

The Southern Witching Hour Podcast is the supernatural twin sister of that blog.

And so…

If you liked any of the ‘strange and unusual’ stories told over there, then you’ll love this podcast.

You can listen via Amazon Music (Audible), Google Play and iHeart.

I’m still working on Apple.


I hope you enjoy what you hear and I look forward to chatting with you soon.

LadyG is on Spotify: Check Out My New Podcast!

On this podcast, I’ll share Southern lore and stories about our culture which is steeped in the supernatural!

So, if you have a craving for the ‘strange and unusual’ a’la Delia Deetz, come over and check me out!

I’ll be posting weekly, starting Friday, April 28 at twilight, (8:15pm EST)

MEANWHILE, listen to this introduction to the podcast!

Below is the first full episode:

Divination Practices: Is This Your Cup Of Tea?

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

Tasseography, commonly known as ‘tea leaf reading,’ is a divination practice that includes interpreting “patterns and symbols” that appear to be formed by tea leaves at the bottom of a teacup. The art of tea leaf reading is said to have originated in China.

The practice, which ultimately spread to various parts of the world, has evolved to include rich symbology, traditions, interpretations, and practical techniques; which, of course, vary depending on location.

Steps to tea leaf reading

Brew a pot of loose tea leaves

Pour the tea into a teacup

Ask the person seeking the reading to drink the tea, leaving a small amount of liquid and tea leaves in the cup

Invert the cup onto a saucer; allow the remaining liquid and tea leaves to settle into a pattern

‘Read’ the patterns and shapes formed by the tea leaves.

For example, a heart shape might be related to love or romance.

Circles are indicative of completion.

Bear in mind that symbolic meanings are based heavily on the context of the situation.

Meaning is also derived from the ‘readers’ intuition and experience.

Common tea leaf symbols and their meanings

Anchor: stability, security

Arrow: direction, movement

Bird: freedom, travel

Butterfly: transformation, growth

Cat: independence, intuition

Cross: faith, spirituality

Crown: success, achievement

Elephant: strength, wisdom

Fish: abundance, fertility

Heart: love, romance

Moon: intuition, mystery

Sun: vitality, energy

Tree: growth, stability

Frankly, I find tea leaf reading to be a very fascinating divination practice. 

I have seen some tarot readers incorporate tea leaf reading into their sessions. 

Admittedly, I was unable to ‘see’ what the reader ‘saw,” but I was no less intrigued.

That said, would I try this? 

Probably not, but if you are a person who brews loose leaf tea on a regular basis, why not give it a go?

Let me know what you think in comments, especially if you are a tea leaf reader or have had a reading.


Hall, J. (2018). The Ultimate Guide to Divination: The Beginner’s Guide to Using Cards, Crystals, Runes, Palmistry, and More for Insight and Predicting the Future. Fair Winds Press.

Peterson, S. (2015). Tea Leaf Reading for Beginners: Your Fortune in a Teacup. Llewellyn Publications.

Spring Equinox: Manifest with the Seasons

Today, I’ll be talking to you about how to manifest with the seasons, particularly the Spring Equinox.

Take a moment to think about timing your manifestations with the seasons.

Spring, which is the season of new beginnings, is the best time to plant seeds for the things that you wish to manifest in your life.

In this video, I will share three steps to manifestation with a very specific technique that I learned by reading the works of Neville Goddard.

Try This POWERFUL Spiritual Practice: Manifest Your Ideal Outcome

Now, we know that your morning spiritual practices set the tone for your day, but the great spiritual teacher Neville Goddard suggests using a different spiritual practice at bedtime.

This practice is called the pruning shears of revision.

Last week, I talked about Neville’s teachings on pre-paving and why it’s a good idea to incorporate that into your morning routine.

If you haven’t had a chance to listen to that video, no worries, here’s the link to the morning spiritual practice.

In today’s video, I will discuss Neville’s bedtime spiritual practice and tell you how to do it.

*Hint* it involves your imagination.

Check out the video:

Try THIS Morning Spiritual Practice | Create Your Ideal Day

Having a routine for your morning spiritual practices is critical to creating the life that you desire.

In this video, I share a morning spiritual technique from Neville Goodard that I have successfully tried.

*Hint* it involves your imagination.

Whether you know it or not, the mood/vibration that you establish in the morning sets the bar for how the rest of your day will go, so, it’s very important to make sure to establish and maintain an elevated mood/vibration via healthy morning spiritual practices.

By doing this, you will improve your chances of experiencing an ideal day–and ultimately a beautiful life.

Check out the video: