If It’s not a HELL YES…

Courtesy of LadyG at seekthebestblog.com

Seek The Best Blog

Photo by Anna Nekrashevich on Pexels.com

Yeah… so I was recently watching a video and the discussion was about the fact that most of us are not living up to our highest dreams.

At some point during the conversation, everyone came to the agreement that most folks are doing what other folks have said that they should be doing–never questioning their own fundamental wishes.

After a bit of a lull in the video’s dialogue, one of the participants politely expressed her newfound philosophy on life:

If it’s not a HELL YES…It’s a HELL NO!



That’s it!

So I decided that if whatever I’m thinking about doing next does not excite me to the highest heights, then it’s an automatic and emphatic HELL NO for me.

Any thoughts?

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