Rambling Musical Commentary: There You Were Standing Over There With Another Last Night…

LadyG’s “Rambling Musical Commentary,” courtesy of Seek The Best Blog.

Seek The Best Blog

Image by Nos Nguyen from Pixabay

Contains adult language and adult situations

Based on a true story; events were slightly reimagined for dramatic effect by the author.

This is 1982 and LadyG learns a hard lesson about appearances including the complexities of marital relationships and the devastating results of repeated infidelity on an entire family.

Although today’s topic is deep, it ain’t gonna stop me from hitting you up with a few of my favorite jams from ’82.

Note: The titles of RMC posts are always based on a lyric from a song that was either popular at the time or was released in prior years and had an “evergreen quality.”


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You’re “Pregnant!” When’s The Baby Due?

Photo by Marlon Schmeiski on Pexels.com

Although this message may have been originally associated with a particular date or day of the week, it applies whenever you receive it.

You’ve been nurturing a major idea that could take you to that next level–personally and financially.

You’re pregnant with possibility!

So, let me ask a couple of questions.

What is the baby’s name going to be?

Why do you ask, LadyG?

Well, I ask this question because name tells us a little something about the nature of a thing.

What is the nature of your idea?

What is the essence of it?

You gotta know this idea backward and forward…inward and outward.

And you have to know this while it sits in the “womb” of your mind.

You’ve gotta nurture this idea in utero so that when you bring it forth it can grow beyond imagination.

And since we’re talking about this “baby.”

When is it due?

You should know–when did you conceived it?

I’ll bet it’s due any day now!

Are you ready?

Have a wonderful day!

EXPECT and prepare for the birth of your baby!


LadyG loves you.

A Good Time To Look At Your Shadow

Photo by James Wheeler on Pexels.com

Although this message may have been originally associated with a particular date or day of the week, it applies whenever you receive it.

There is a lunar eclipse afoot; it’s a good time to look at your shadow.

Everybody has a shadow side.

You know, that aspect of us that we don’t like looking at.

But, here’s the thing, if we want to live a fully aware life, we must identify and deal with the bad as well as the good.

Back to the eclipse.

At this time we see the moon move into Earth’s shadow.

Talk about symbolism…

Anyway, our intuitive side is heightened and we’re much more open to what’s happening with our shadow side.

Coincidently, if we have taken the opportunity to do this work, we can simultaneously allow our more negative aspects to wane along with the full moon.

The result?

An increase in vibration and an openness to receiving all of the good fortune that has been awaiting us.

Now, never fear if you missed the actual moment of the eclipse, its Super Blood Moon power will continue to linger throughout the day.

Ah, but with the transition of every full moon, we must be in anticipation of the next new moon–which presents us with the opportunity to set our intentions for the things we desire.

Click to purchase via amazon

I always do a simple ritual at both the new and full moon for expansion and release, respectively.

Both of these rituals involve journaling.

If you need a designated journal for your intentions, I have several available on amazon.

Best wishes for an awesome day and I hope that you will start to explore your shadow side and take advantage of the power of the moon–even if only in a symbolic way.

LadyG loves you!

Click HERE to learn more about the shadow.

Your Convictions Might As Well Be Beneficial

Photo by Alexas Fotos on Pexels.com

Although this message may have been originally associated with a particular date or day of the week, it applies whenever you receive it.

If you’re going to run around shouting your convictions throughout the land, make sure that they’re beneficial.

I’ve seen far too many people hold strong to some very harmful convictions and beliefs–convictions, when advanced, leave nothing but disruption and destruction in their wake.

Now how does that behavior serve anybody?

Well, maybe it serves a narcissist who CRAVES the attention that he receives from this toxic display–regardless of the deleterious impact on others.

I wish I could say that this behavior is rare–it’s not and that’s pretty damn unfortunate.

But there is good news!

And here it is…

We’re not automatons!

Image by alluregraphicdesign from Pixabay

In fact, we can take stock and purge any detrimental ideology that we’ve previously clung so hard to in the past.

it’s a new day and The Divine wants us to know that if we are going to develop and hold fast to a conviction of any sort, it might as well be beneficial.

You know, something that expands the collective!

In this sense, the term “beneficial” refers to an outlook or mindset that is helpful to you and others without causing harm to anyone outside of that.

Flat out, have convictions that are aligned with the knowledge that you are:

  • Loved, safe and secure
  • Blessed with untold miracles right now
  • Achieving a goal that you never imagined possible
  • Developing cooperative relationships with wonderful people
  • A faithful steward of your environment and resources

That list is neither exhaustive, nor is it it in any particular order of importance- well maybe the first one is meant to come first. 🥰

Now get out there and display strength and courage with your newfound beneficial convictions!

LadyG loves you!

Of Course Your Dreams Have Meaning

Photo by Alex Andrews on Pexels.com

Although this message may have been originally associated with a particular date or day of the week, it applies whenever you receive it.

Of course your dreams have meaning!


You can’t convince me that there’s nothing behind The Divine Creator’s choice to require us to fall asleep and engage in otherworldly visions…

Every. Single. Night.

There is a purpose to our dreams; and, of course our dreams have meaning.

Now, does that mean that we must consult with books, individuals or sites that purport to know the meaning?

Nah, I don’t that’s necessary.

However, I do believe that if we were to journal our dreams for a given span of time, we’d find all kinds of patterns and themes that are telling us something about our day to day mindset.

Especially the things that we opt not see or even think about.

Now, generally speaking, I don’t think that our dreams are meant to be taken literally; nor do I believe that they are predictive.

Not saying that dream predictions are impossible, but I will say that most soothsayers will admit to a prediction ONLY after said “predicted event” has already happened.

Now what good is that?

Hell, tell me before it happens!

Impress me!

Er…Um…Just kidding! I’m good.

Image by P Tate from Pixabay

Anyway, I digress.

My message today is pay more attention to your dreams.

What are they trying to tell you?

Trust me, dreaming is definitely NOT idle mental activity to entertain an offline brain; rather, they are a treasure trove of epiphanies, realizations, and solutions!

And so…

Happy Monday!

Have a wonderful day and may you learn more about yourself from dreams to come.

LadyG loves you!

*For additional content from LadyG click HERE.

Fame For Fame’s Sake? Nah…You Can Keep That!

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Although this message may have been originally associated with a particular date or day of the week, it applies whenever you receive it.

Is fame for fame’s sake worth it? It’s a NO for me.

Here’s why I say that…

An audio version and a gift are linked at the end of the post

According to Google, by way of Oxford Languages, “fame“ is defined as “the state of being known or talked about by many people especially on account of notable achievements.”

Based on this definition, “fame” sounds like a pretty desirable status.

However, the phrase “being known or talked about by many people” caught my eye.

Yeah, I’m talking about my 3rd eye 👁

Seriously, did Oxford Languages intentionally leave a little something out?

I’d say so.

Now, it’s crystal clear to me that our dear dictionary scriveners opted not to delve into the details of “being known or talked about”—other than to say that it is the result of a person’s notable achievements.

Does the second part of the definition clarify the first part?

I don’t think so.

In fact, several questions immediately come to my mind, including:

What can people “know’ about anybody—let alone someone they’ve never met?  

What do people talk about when they talk about the famous?  

A cursory glance at any social media platform will prove that this “talk” is not always good.  

In fact, it’s mostly negative and often false.

But let’s go deeper.

What kinds and flavors of energies/entities are directed to a person by someone who is constantly deriding, gossiping, or as we say where I’m from, talking shit about others?

Do they know that these same energies ALWAYS find their way back to their point of origin?

Image by John Hain from Pixabay

Some do, most don’t, but I’m not necessarily focusing on them right now, I’m talking about their targets.

Anyway, since I have decided to play a game of 20,000 questions without your consent, let me ask a couple more…

If the average person is already dealing with a plethora of naysayers amongst his or her family and friends, how much more problematic is this for those who have achieved a certain amount of fame?

Don’t get me wrong, I am not arguing against the pursuit of fame, I’m simply pointing out that if you do decide to pursue it, you must be willing to accept ALL that comes with it–including the constant barrage of negative energy.

So, I ask you now, is “fame” worth it?


Guard Your Energy

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Although this message may have been originally associated with a particular date or day of the week, it applies whenever you receive it.

Assumptions: This article assumes that you are well-versed in the study and understanding of frequency, vibration and energy. If you are not, you would probably do well to study more about it so that this information makes sense to you. There is a link for further reading at the end of this post.

Audio version and gift below

Guard your energy!

It is your responsibility to guard your energy by doing all that you can to establish and maintain a high frequency.

There may be others around you who are not aware of, nor do they care about, vibration or energy–let alone, frequency.

Do not let them move you away from your chosen vibratory point!

Find ways to engage your imagination to keep your energy and vibration high.

Imagination is a critical component to the process, but, for me, things like incense and candles also go a long way toward stimulating my senses in the most delightful ways!

The result?

Heightened energy and elevated vibration levels.

In addition to imagination and sensory stimulation, I also read or watch something uplifting every single day.

Many of you who follow me at my main blog, know that my latest passion is gardening and interacting closely with nature.

I have no trouble keeping my vibration on point whenever I’m watering my plants or having a conversation with two majestic magnolia trees that keep watch over my bedroom window.

Frankly, I’ve noticed that when I stay true to this routine, I have more energy, clarity and joy in my life.

What do you do to guard your energy so that your vibration stays high?

I pray that you have a wonderful day today and that all of your wishes and dreams come true!

And remember,

Lady G loves you!


Bob Proctor explains The Law of Vibration